FRIDAY 18. 10. 2024

Land of history and romance

Romantic souls and history lovers should now focus all their attention, because the landscape of Vranov is just like made for them. Magical places, breath-taking views, romantic prospects. Vranov region is not only pleasurable to look at, you will absorb it with all your senses, really.

Famed are the castles and chateaux of Vranov. Greatly concentrated here, you'll find lots of fairy tale places, where you'll feel the touch of history. Vranov is also a region of temples and churches, inviting the pilgrims to meditate. You can find important and richly decorated temples as well as small village chapels, where you can regenerate your energy for upcoming journeys.

Apart from manmade works, the beauties of nature are present for your enjoyment here in Vranov region. And trust us, that there are not so many places with such unspotted nature as here. Podyjí National park might be the youngest National park in Bohemia, however it hides true treasures.

Any way, you can always simply stroll through the lovely landscape of Vranov. Even on a spontaneous walk into the surroundings, you are guaranteed to find a set of interesting, enchanting places. 

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